Little Whiskers

Nature School

“All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature.”  - Rudolf Steiner

About the Program

At Little Whiskers we believe that children learn and find meaningful challenges when they step outside their comfort zone through outdoor experiences in our backyards and surrounding areas. These transformative experiences foster connections, impart lessons both practical and profound, and instill a lifelong love for wild places.

Little Whiskers allows children to develop themselves through healthy engagement with risk, problem-solving and self-discovery, all within a natural environment in a hands-on and thoughtful manner.  

Studies confirm what we intuitively know to be true—nature is good for kids. Incorporating nature improves social and academic achievement when compared with “traditional” child care and instructional methods.

The positive effects of nature exposure include improved socialization, increased focus,  better motor coordination and reduced stress levels.

Little Whiskers takes the point of view that childhood is something to be savored. By being free to develop according to their own natural rhythms, The Little Whiskers enjoy a full and rich childhood experience that helps them become healthy, more actualized individuals.

“Given that the human soul is the very core of our human nature, we might note that, when we are guided by soul, we are guided by nature. Both soul and greater nature do guide us in our individual development, whether or not we ask for this guidance.”  - Bill Plotkin

About Amanda

Amanda has felt at home in the wilderness for as long as she can remember. Growing up in rural Minnesota. she spent  much of her time playing and exploring the great outdoors. Family vacations consisted of camping, backpacking, and canoe trips and a general reverence for nature. This style of wilderness based development and play encouraged her curiosity and confidence. With many years of experience and passion for children, as well as training in the Lifeways Early Childhood Program, Amanda's goal for  the Little Whiskers Nature School is to create an environment that does the same for young children in the Los Gatos area, so they can come together to socialize and grow as nature intended.

"Amanda has a special ability to engage children and create natural containers for their imagination"  Cory Gubna

Availability & Contact Info

For availability See My Calendar page!

If you'd like to join us, please send me an email or give me a call!


Mobile:  651-226-4249

For feedback/thoughts/comments feel free to leave a note!